I am an intuitive writer, ghostwriter, and communicator with a background in print journalism, advertising and documentary television.

I became a ghostwriter for clients in the holistic arts because of my training and experience as a practitioner in the field, my love of interviewing and storytelling, and my interest in and natural affinity for spiritual topics, energy healing, psychology, and experiences considered outside-the-box, mystical, or otherworldly.

Among my best skills, I am a fast writer. I can interview you and build or sculpt your story from your words. Or I work intuitively as a channel or medium – stepping into the energy of your story, following it where it leads, and translating it rapidly to the page.

I see my role a little like that of the hummingbird. Hummingbirds are spiritual creatures – they carry a high frequency which allows them to move quickly and fly lightly between seen and unseen realms. Their presence often signals the arrival of positive energy and things falling into place. Hummingbirds symbolize good luck, hope, love, healing, and inspiration.

I am here to work lightly and move quickly. I enter the process at a point when you may be feeling stuck or frustrated with your material or/and unsure where to begin or how to proceed. I listen for the heart, spine, essence or thematic core of your story. If you have an urgent deadline or need help unpacking your story, generating or fleshing out your material, shaping or perfecting your form, I might be the writer for you.

My hope is to bring ease and grace to your process and help you realize your dreams.

In my capacity as a ghostwriter, I work with non-fiction material only.

You are welcome to book a consultation 45 min $100 or 90 min $200.

Feel free to email me for more details or to set up a consultation: info@christianeschull.com.

Thank you. ~ Christiane Schull

All prices in Canadian dollars.